Saving Jazz, Blues & Roots one musician at a time

Disaster relief for musicians
From Katrina, Sandy, and the devastating historic floods in Baton Rouge to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, our team is on the ground as soon as possible and finds out first-hand what needs to be replaced and repaired.
Our social workers go home to home and offer emotional support and provide basic necessities like food, emergency supplies, and clothes for children. We replace instruments and equipment, help with car repairs, and enlist professionals to decontaminate houses to ensure a families’ safety.
After Katrina in 2005, the Jazz Foundation quietly brought over 1,000 musicians back by rehousing families, creating paying gigs, and donating top-shelf instruments. In the aftermath of 2012’s Superstorm Sandy, the JFA was active in the rebuilding of hundreds of musicians’ lives, and in the restoring of a vibrant blues music community in Baton Rouge after it suffered devastating floods in 2016.
Musicians are already vulnerable before disaster strikes
Musicians already live paycheck to paycheck and things critical to their livelihood, like instruments and studio equipment, are kept at home.
One flood can derail a lifetime of work, leaving great artists with nowhere to turn.

Help us to restore and rebuild
Your support goes to decontaminating homes, housing payments, instrument repair/replacement, and basic necessities.
Want to partner with us?
We work together with national and regional agencies to provide the best possible care for musicians.